Esta serie de fotografías publicitarias en forma de cuentos es la publicidad de la potencia del V-motor de la marca V-Ray dedicada a los gráficos por ordenador en 3D.

La artista es Silvia Bratanova, "fotógrafa experimental y de diseño".

La Reina de las Nieves

Once upon a time in a land far, far faw away there lived a
beautiful lady with a frozen heart. She was cursed to live in
ice and snow. She prayed for a new v-rayvolutionary product
- trendy and hot enought to melt her frozen heart.

V-Ray- follow the trend.

La Sirenita

Once upon a time in a sea far, far
away there lived a beautiful mermaid
princess, cursed to never touch solid
ground. Every stormy night she would
wonder through the seas, looking for a
v-rayvolutionary product- miraculous
and powerfull enought to break the curse
and let her feel the ground beneath her

V-Ray- miracles happen.


Once upon a time in a land far, far
away there lived a beautiful princess,
cursed to be hated by those around
her for her perfection. The jealous would
try to obliterate her beauty and banish
her away into deepest of forest,
so that none would ever see her. Every
time they tried, she prayed for a new
v-rayvolutionary product that would let
her rebound more beautiful than ever.

V-Ray- the true perfection.

La Bella Durmiente

Once upon a time in a land far, far away there lived a
beautiful princess, cursed to full asleep before ever finishing
her renders. Because of using products of old after hours
of rendering she and her computer have to star all
over again in the morning. Every morning she woke, she
prayer for a new v-rayvolutionary product- strong and
fast enough to break the curse.

V-Ray- no more sleeping beauties.

La Bella y la Bestia

Once upon a time in a land
far, far away there lived
a beautiful girl, cursed to live
in the deepest shadows of
the castle of a beast, until she
would disperse the darkness
from around her to find a way
out. Every nigth she prayed for
a new v-rayvolutionary product
- powerful and sophisticated
enough to lift the darkness and
illuminate her path.

V-Ray- no more darkness.

La Princesa y el guisante

Once upon a time in a land
far, far away there lived a
beautiful princess cursed in a
most peculiar way- whenever
she saw a bad pixel, it would
turn into a pea untherneath her
mattres. She would lie awake
every night praying for a ner
v-rayvolutionary product-
reliable and accurate enough
to render out all the pixels
and break the curse.

V-Ray- no more sleepless nights.

La Princesa y el Sapo

Once upon a time in a land far, far
away there lived a handsome young
prince, cursed into a frog. The dark spell
would last until he meets a fine young
girl that would love him for what he
really is. Day after day he prayed for
a new v-rayvolutionary product.
effective and mighty enough to produce
a portrait os his true self that would
convince her to fall in love wih him.

V-Ray- mighty effective.